Monday, 12 December 2011

✩ Mirror ✩

The Universe speaks of you in breaks,
The splash of the wave long forgotten screams your name.
It is broken...

The notes on the horizon dance in the moonlight,
The song is broken, the words cling on a tiny thread.
In the reflection of the mirror I see ten faces of yours.

A broken image.
Love - cut and then stitched.
Music makes my body numb.
It sings your name, letter by letter.
Here. There.

Once you were tame, beautiful and pure.
You watched me tilling the earth.
It was clean and ornamented.

Then, a speck of dust jumped on it
like a snobbish dandy boy.
You forgot to clean it so it got dirtier each day.

Days have passed..
Yours eyes shrank  and your face wrinkled.
Your name yearned to be heard.

It happened so sudden, slipped through my fingers.
It got broken!

The broken image.
The wave i cannot hear any more.
Silence filled the night.

Once you were tame, now you are ten - faced!
I dont recognize you
Get away, stranger!

The mirror has got broken.
The Universe is silenced.
The music forbidden.
My sight is dimmed.
Your face is out of shape,
covered in the layers of makeup.

This is a broken image.
Here. There. Everywhere.

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